(207) 200-3057 [email protected]

For Individuals

Intercultural Leadership Cohort and Certificate Program

Do you want to have more impact in the DEI space in your organization or in your community? Are you part of a DEI committee in your workplace, but have hit a wall or feel alone? Are you passionate about making sure all people feel a sense of belonging? Do you want to boost your leadership capacity around navigating difference? Are you seeking professional development opportunities/CEUs? If so, the Intercultural Leadership Cohort might be for you!

In this program, you will:

  • Gain practical and theoretical knowledge through a customized, hybrid (synchronous and asynchronous) learning program
  • Learn a five phase developmental framework that will increase your impact in DEI work 
  • Expand your professional network by connecting with others passionate about DEI and intercultural work
  • Receive support from professional interculturalists through monthly group support/coaching sessions and monthly Question and Answer sessions
  • Meet 1-on-1 with a member of our team to deepen your self-awareness and understanding of own unique contribution to this work and identify areas for growth
  • Build your capacity to put theory into practice and develop a plan to apply your knowledge in your context
  • Work with an “accountability partner” or small group between sessions
  • Receive a Certificate of Completion: Intercultural Leadership Series upon completion of curriculum

Our next cohort is scheduled for Fall 2024.

Intercultural Action Cohorts

How do we put theory into effective practice? How can we be reflective as we do this work, and compassionate–and accountable–with ourselves and each other? How do we act in a way that aligns our intention and our impact and centers the experience of those who are most marginalized? This program is open to individuals who have completed the Intercultural Leadership Cohort and Certificate Program or those whose organizations have completed the Foundational Intercultural Development Series.

In this program, you will:

  • Learn a framework for effectively putting DEI and intercultural theory into practice
  • Receive support and guidance and opportunities for self-reflection in monthly group coaching calls as you engage in the creation and implementation of new policies and/or procedures that center equity.
  • Meet with an “accountability partner” or small group between coaching sessions
  • Continue to deepen your self-awareness and understand of own unique contribution to this work and continue to work on individual areas for growth
  • Expand your professional network by connecting with others passionate about DEI and intercultural work
  • Receive support and accountability from professional interculturalists and fellow participants

The Abridged Waypoint Series

A waypoint is a place of pause along a journey; a reference point that helps us know where we are and where we’re going. Taking the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) allows for exactly that. In organizational trainings, waypoints are longer, but with individuals, we are able to distill the best of what Waypoint Intercultural offers into something that is both efficient and effective.

In this program, you will:

  • Take the IDI online (about 20 minutes)
  • Complete an asynchronous, abridged module which provides context and introduction to the IDI (about 3 hours)
  • Meet 1-on-1 with a member of Waypoint’s team to debrief your IDI results and report, with your strengths and opportunities, and go over your Intercultural Development Plan, with recommended next steps (about 1 hour)

Individual Intercultural Coaching

Individual Intercultural Coaching is a highly customized service, as it is a unique collaboration between the intercultural coach and the individual to build their capacity to effectively navigate differences that make a difference. This service is grounded in best practices from intercultural development theory in service of personal and professional growth.

It is unique in that it meets the individual exactly where they are in their development, based on the results of the Intercultural Development Inventory, building on their individual strengths and supporting their growth in ways that are both compassionate and accountable. Depending upon the individual’s goals, coaching sessions are an opportunity to support putting theory into practice on an individual, organizational, and/or systemic level.

Our coaching clients include:

  • DEI professionals who want to add an intercultural development framework to their work
  • Leaders who work across many types of “differences that make a difference” and are committed to building their leadership capacity
  • Individuals, often recommended by HR or their supervisors, who need additional support in respectfully or effectively responding to difference or are resistant to DEI initiatives

Get in Touch

Have questions? Need more information? Send us an email and we'd be happy to contact you!